Here is a list of MIT classes that I took. I got good grades on all of them :) Bold letters stand for graduate classes.
Fall 1999
5.11 Principles of Chemical Science -
Current web page
6.001 Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs -
Fall 1999 web page
Curent web page
Advanced Algorithms -
Fall 1999 web page
7.012 Introductory Biology -
Current web page
21M.011 Introduction to Western Music -
Course description
Spring 2000
6.002 Circuits and Electronics -
Current web page
6.042J Mathematics for Computer Science -
Current web page
6.170 Laboratory in Software Engineering -
Current web page
Approximation Algorithms -
Lecture notes
18.02 Multivariable Calculus -
Spring 2000 web page
Current web page
21H.302 Ancient World: Rome -
Subject Listing
My greatest history professor
21M.051 Fundamentals of Music -
Subject Listing
Fall 2000
6.163 Strobe Lab -
Current web page
- Our group's nice high-speed
(Romanian subtitles)
Cryptography and Cryptanalysis -
Current web page
Analysis I -
Student-maintained web page
21L.001 Foundations of Western Culture I: Homer to Dante -
Course description
21M.201 Western Music to 1750 -
Subject Listing
Spring 2001
6.003 Signals and Systems -
Current web page
6.033 Computer System Engineering -
Current web page
6.041 Probabilistic Systems Analysis -
Current web page
21F.226 Advanced Workshop in Writing for Science and Engineering -
Current web page
21M.301 Harmony and Counterpoint I -
Course description
My final project
Fall 2001
Introduction to the Theory of Computation
Current web page
6.857 Network and Computer Security
Current web page
Spring 2002
Natural Language Processing
Current web page
Introduction to Stochastic Processes
Current web page
My cumulative GPA is 4.9 (on a 5.0 scale).